Tous les africains, partout où ils se trouvent porte l’Afrique dans leur cœur et au plus profond d’eux.
De ce fait, nous avons envie tous de rentrer sur le continent ne fut ce dans un futur proche ou lointain afin d’implémenter nos projets ou encore de passer nos vieux jours.
Un projet de retour se mûrit et se prépare longuement. Un premier pas serait déjà de s’acquérir une parcelle de terre afin d’y mener ces dits projets.
Ensuite récolter les fonds pour y investir. Nous avons pensé apporter ce cadre propice à ces Africains de la diaspora qui désirent rentrer de pouvoir en toute tranquillité de pouvoir acquérir leur premier ou nième bien foncier.
Ensuite, nous avons pensé aussi permettre à ces africains qui se sont déjà fait arnaqué ou escroquer de pouvoir dénoncer ces faits et ces abus afin de pouvoir non seulement stopper ces malveillances mais aussi pouvoir faire émerger l’excellence là où la médiocrité a pris le dessus.
Enfin, nous offrons aussi la possibilité aux jeunes intellectuels du continent de pouvoir intégrer les meilleures écoles d’ingénieurs, de médecine, ou de lettres en Europe afin de pouvoir participer à leur tour à la construction de cet édifice qu’est l’Afrique.

We offer land for sale but also subdivision projects that you can do alone or in a group. We offer you complete support according to your needs without having to move from the comfort of your home. Whether you are in Paris, Berlin, Brussels, New York or Singapore, we have programs adapted to the diaspora that allow you to be a landlord without breaking the bank and without scams. We make it easy for you. In two or three clicks ...

Express Ownership Certificate
Express Ownership Certificate
The certificate of ownership is the first document that a buyer should request from the land affairs services of the location of the land to have crucial and important information on the land to be acquired. It is valid for 3 months, after this period, you must submit a new request. Would you like to have an express certificate of ownership? Make sure you have at least the land title number of said land and the city or distric ...

Site visits, cadastral checks and neighborhood surveys
Site visits, cadastral checks and neighborhood surveys
The visit and verifications to land affairs are crucial steps when buying land. Many of you still acquire land without visiting or doing prior checks. This obviously increases the risk of scams and scams. It is often advisable to make the visits by a third party who has no interest in the transaction in order to have a neutral and impartial opinion. We make your visits and check your property as soon as possible before you buy ...

Fragmentation and total mutation
Fragmentation and total mutation
The fragmentation is the fact of acquiring land by dismantling a large part of the land to make a small area. As for the mutation, it is the fact of acquiring the entire surface sold. If you wish to acquire by total transfer or by fragmentation? Take a look at our offers and if you are interested in one, we are here to offer you GOOD deals but above all deals without disputes, nevertheless have a real estate expert accompany y ...

Judgments of heredity
Judgments of heredity
When a land title is established, in general there are several owners who are commonly called co-owners. When one of them happens to die, then the land title must be modified to either remove his name or replace it with his beneficiary. To do this, you need a judgment of inheritance from the competent high or small court. Would you like us to assist you in obtaining a judgment of heredity? Make a housing estate request from ou ...

Technical file, Statement, Attachment
Technical file, Statement, Attachment
A technical file can be seen as the identity card of a field. It provides all the information relating to the land itself and also gives you the names of the new buyer and the surveyor who monitored the work. All land must now be attached to the geodetic system of Cameroon in order to be able to list all sites and encoders. This avoids land overlaps and prevents land that is physically located in Loukoundjé from being listed i ...

It is an acquisition procedure for all land whose occupation and exploitation either cannot be proven or was made after August 5, 1974. Moreover, if you have lost your Cameroonian nationality, and you wish to acquire untitled land, then the concession is suitable for you. We demystify this little known procedure of the diaspora but yet fast and secure by offering you a quote and complete support. Get your quote from our Reques ...

Are you a victim of land scams ?
You entrusted your technical file to a surveyor and you never received it ? Are you the victim of double, triple or qua triple sale of the same land or property ? A financier abused you ? Or illegally holds your land titles ? Are you the victim of abuse of power or breach of trust by an authority ? Whatever injustice you face, speak out !
Report a scam or ...

Study and Visa
Study and Visa
The diaspora already needs its successor. In a few years, thousands of entrepreneurs and employees living in the West will be permanently or temporarily back on the continent to invest and settle. The next generation must be as intellectual and as motivated to return. It is time for us to come just like the Chinese and other communities to study in the technological, industrialization and engineering sectors. We support you in ...